The Universal principles of Spiritual disciplines elevate the seeker into God communion for all eternity. The true purpose of Yoga is the path of purification of character and conduct thru the cleansing of one’s physical and mental nature, wherein the highest state of reality and truth may shine undiminished in the hearts and minds of all participants.
— Sri Dharma Mittra
See everyone as your friend and family, love all creatures including our inferior brothers.
— D. Mittra

The Yamas + Niyamas

Yama and Niyama, the ethical disciplines, and moral backbones, serve as the aspirants, guidelines for right conduct in life.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga, according to Patañjali.

These Great Vows are universal, not limited by class, place, time, or circumstances.
— Patanjali

 1. YAMA {abstinence}  

Yama's help attain a healthy mind and body through control of what comes in and out of our mouths. They must be followed without any desire for end goals. What is the opposite to these elements that we need to overcome?          

i. Ahimsa {non-violence}  Negative thoughts like greed, anger, or infatuation; forms of insensitivity, ignorance & pain. Universal love. 

ii.  Satya {truthfullness}      A constant state of honesty that brings about fearlessness.   

iii. Asteya {non-stealing}    To one established in non-stealing, all wealth comes.

iv. Brahmacharya {abstinance} Maintaining our personal magnetism and vigor.

v.  Aparigraha {non-greed}  Illuminates the how and why of ones birth.

 2. NIYAMA {observances}

i.  Shaucha {purity} :: Sattvic qualities, practices, and foods are embraced.

ii. Santosha {contentment} :: Obtaining supreme joy.

iii. Tapas {austerity} :: Accepting, but not causing pain. Impurities of body/mind are destroyed and occult powers are attainted.

iv. Svadhyaya {studying spiritual books} :: Communion with ones chosen diety, the study of ones true self

v. Ishvarparanidhana {surrender to God}      

3. ASANA {posture}

4. PRANAYAMA {breath control}

5. PRATYAHARA {sense withdrawal}

6. DHARANA  {concentration}

7. DHYANA  { meditation}

8. SAMADHI {contemplation, absorption, auspicious}       


All progress in Yoga practices depend on exemplary personal character, and one’s relation to people, animals and the world around them. Intellectual ability, or genius is not required, but confusion, disinterest, neglect, and laziness is adverse to an aspirant. Discrimination is an extremely important element needed on the journey of the inner path to the self that is Yoga. The prescribed steps for the learning curve of right behavior are authoritatively systematized in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, written around 300 BC.

Sri Yogi Dharma Mittra founded one of the early independent schools of Yoga in New York City in 1975. He is the author of the world-renowned masterpiece, The Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures. Now 73 years, Dharma Mittra’s life represents intense service to mankind through the ethical, spiritual and practical physical philosophy of Yoga in action. He has influenced hundreds of thousands of aspirants in his nearly half century of teaching. He continues to teach daily at the Dharma Yoga Center at 61 West 23rd St. in New York City, leads “Life of a Yogi” 200, 500, and 800 hour Teacher Trainings and workshops worldwide. He is the author of Maha Sadhana DVDs I & II, Sun Salutation Yoga Course Chart, and Asanas 608 Yoga Poses book.  Join Dharma Yoga on Facebook and Twitter and TheDharmaChannel on You Tube.


After attaining Me, these great souled men are no more subject to birth, which is transitory and the abode of pain, because they have attained the Highest Perfection.
— The Bhagavad-Gita

Dharma Yoga Teacher Ali in Scorpion Pose.

Dharma Yoga Teacher Ali in Scorpion Pose.